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  • Writer's pictureFrédéric Donck


Updated: Oct 18, 2022


Do you really know how to win that pitch? Do you feel confident convincing your clients and prospects or simply your team and colleagues about that project which represents so much to you?

If you want to make a difference with your target audience, you will need to build your engagement around the values which will dictate the way you will be implementing your promise.

Values are those principles which silently affect our behavior, our choices, our judgement. They contain all the elements involving our idea as to what is right, good and desirable and, more generally as to what is important in life. In short, values are guiding all our thoughts and actions.

And that’s the reason why it is so important that you are aware of them when you speak about yourself, your project, and your promise. Being conscious about his/her own values offer an invaluable tool to assess the way you will behave in the future in any environment. And it will also provide you with a better understanding of your past decisions. Have a try: just have a look on what you have chosen in your life for the past decade(s), at professional and personal level, and you will certainly see in all decisions which you have made the very same set of values operating. If you can “see” the world through those lenses – a system where choices are dictated by values- then you will also have a better understanding on people values and what will influence their way of thinking and their decisions.

For people do not sign up to a project for its own sake but for the benefits which it will bring them according to their own criteria. And promises that do not meet the values of the audience are like wet firecrackers.

In a next article, I shall tell you why referring to your core values in the first minutes of your pitch, is critical to quickly establish deep connections with your target audience.

Interested to know what really makes a difference when you pitch and how you can concretely succeed to convince your audience. Please contact me at or check

Also, join me at the conference which I shall be giving about it, at:

SPARKS October 19th 2022, at 18H30 Rue Ravenstein 60- 1000 Bruxelles

Frédéric Donck Tamada : Conseil & Mentorat

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