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  • Writer's pictureFrédéric Donck


Updated: Oct 18, 2022


Do you really know how to win that pitch? Do you feel confident convincing your clients and prospects or simply your team and colleagues about that project which represents so much to you?

Rumors have it that attitude is pretty much all you need. Some people believe that non-verbal communication accounts for 65%, 75% or even 90% of the impact made when you negotiate or when you make a public presentation And those figures would be taken from experiments conducted in 1967 by Pr. Albert Mehrabian and his team. Well, I have some news. That is not the case.

To make it simple: Mehrabian’s studies have demonstrated that when a communicator talks about his feelings and when there are obvious inconsistencies between his words and his non-verbal communication, people would tend to pay more attention to his facial expressions. That’s all.

Let me provide an example. You do accidentally drop a glass of red wine on the new sofa of your host, and she, as a perfect host, ensures you that “it doesn’t matter, everything’s fine” while making a very angry face at you. Well, I assume you won’t take her nice words for granted and you will feel really bad because you have indeed felt, through her facial expression, that, “oh yes, she is terribly mad at you”. (And you would be right, I’m afraid)

Unfortunately, Mehrabian conclusions have been wrongly extrapolated (to say the least) and gave birth to many exaggerated references during the last 50 years, about the predominance of non-verbal communication over the content of a public presentation... Now, let’s make it clear: in any pitch, attitude and non-verbal communications do matter. Of course, they do.

But when it comes to convincing people, this is not what will make a difference. So, what will then?

This is what we will work together: what really makes a difference when you pitch and how you can concretely succeed to convince your audience.

Interested? Please contact me at

Also, do not hesitate to join me at the conference which I shall be giving about it, at: SPARKS October 19th 2022, at 18H30 Rue Ravenstein 60- 1000 Brussels

Frédéric Donck Tamada : Counseling & Mentoring

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HOW TO WIN THAT PITCH Do you really know how to win that pitch? Do you feel confident convincing your clients and prospects or simply your team and colleagues about that project which represents so mu

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